terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012


Vários vídeos educacionais:


Video: When you subtract with a pirate

They might be giants: números pares

They might be giants: Eu posso somar

They might be giants: Zeros

They might be giants: Seven

They Might be Giants: Eneágono

Grupo Musical que utiliza temas escolares como a matemática. Este é do Eneágono.

Frase: Benjamin Franklin

quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

Carnegie Mellon University

Universidade Yale - Free Classes


Site que ensina programação.

Coursera - Universidade Virtual gratuita

Udacity - Universidade Virtual Gratuita


Now Sebastian Thrun, one of the world's top robotics experts, has given up teaching at Stanford University to transform what he views as a broken college education system from the outside. Last year, Mr. Thrun, also a senior Google executive, co-founded a Palo Alto-based start-up, now called Udacity Inc., to teach large groups of people through free online courses and help them find jobs.
Annie Tritt for The Wall Street Journal
Udacity's Sebastian Thrun, left, and David Stavens, in a Google self-driving car Mr. Thrun helped develop.
The 44-year-old, who helped develop Google's self-driving car, is building on his experience in offering a free online course on artificial intelligence while teaching at Stanford last October. The class attracted 160,000 students of all ages from nearly 200 countries. Around 23,000 finished the course, taking the same tests he gave to enrolled Stanford students.
"After that I could never teach at Stanford again," Mr. Thrun says. He likens the current education model—in which professors lecture several dozen or more students at a time—to "the theater stage before film was invented."
Udacity is one of several start-ups embarking on the mission of providing high-quality free education online.
Khan Academy, a nonprofit founded in 2008 in Silicon Valley, has created more than 3,000 videos on topics ranging from basic math to biology and has several million active users, including grade-school students who use it in their classroom under the supervision of teachers. Two Stanford professors who also experimented with free courses last year have launched Coursera, which is similar to Udacity. And New York-based Codecademy Inc., which launched last year, has provided free computer-programming courses to more than one million Internet users, says co-founder Zach Sims.
Udacity's seven-week courses consist of hourlong videos created by the teachers and posted every week, with frequent pauses in which teachers ask students to answer questions and solve problems. For programming classes, for instance, Udacity's website allows students to type code and instantly be graded. Students learn at their own pace, watching the videos as many times as they want. Importantly, they get access to a heavily-trafficked online forum in which they can discuss the material with other students.
More than 130,000 signed up for Udacity's first two courses—how to build a robotic car, a follow-up to the AI intro class last year, and one on building a Web-search engine—which began in January.
This month, Udacity is launching six more courses and by June expects to have 14 in total, including those taught by tenured university professors and working professionals such as Steve Huffman, co-founder of Reddit.com, who are paid an honorarium for their time.
Westley Weimer, a computer-science professor at the University of Virginia whose Udacity course on how to build a Web browser begins next week, said he considers it "charity work to help make the world a better place." He said he flew to Udacity's office for two weeks of "grueling 9-to-5" sessions at the company's video-recording studio.
Mr. Thrun, who will remain an unpaid, nontenured research professor at Stanford, says Udacity—the name is a play on the word "audacity"—is starting with computer sciences but could expand into other areas such as physics and even premed.
Making money isn't currently a priority for Udacity, a 20-person company that raised $5 million from venture-capital firm Charles River Ventures in December. Mr. Thrun and fellow co-founder and Stanford Ph.D. David Stavens, Udacity's 29-year-old chief executive, believe recruiters and corporations world-wide eventually will pay for access to recruit from its pool of talent.
"There's this amazing block of talent we've discovered outside the normal system," Mr. Thrun says. The company also is looking into charging employers to offer continuing education to their workers, he says. "I'm sure eventually we will make money," he says.
But Jacqueline Reses, who invested more than $2 billion in education firms such as Cengage Learning while working for private-equity firm Apax Partners, says Udacity will need formal accreditation to gain legitimacy as a degree-granting school and will find it hard to sustain its free model because "it's costly to deliver and maintain fully accredited education."
Mr. Thrun says it costs Udacity less than $1 a student to produce a course. Mr. Stavens adds that Udacity isn't currently focused on obtaining accreditation, which could take many years unless it buys an already-accredited school. But Udacity expects to offer its final exams at 5,000 physical testing centers run by Pearson PLC in 165 countries, after which students will receive a certificate that "carries weight," Mr. Stavens says. A Pearson spokeswoman declined to comment.
Meanwhile, Stanford is continuing to experiment with several free, online science courses but is searching for a "sustainable model," says computer-science Prof. John C. Mitchell, who oversees the program. He implied there's a good reason why Stanford's annual tuition is $50,000 a year. "Nonprofit universities are going to need to be financially viable to do what we do best," he says.
Some students who took Mr. Thrun's AI course last year say they're already on board with Udacity, even if they are skeptical about whether employers are ready to recognize its value. "This is solid, continuing education that I can squeeze into my schedule after putting my daughter to sleep," says Jon Willeke, a software tester for a database company in the Boston area.

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Math: http://www.centerofmath.org/blog/free-and-affordable-ios-apps-for-math/

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